As a photographer, Gemma can teach us a thing or two about seeing and capturing career making moments. From a work placement position at Australia’s go-to online retailer The Iconic, to a PR & digital agency and now a self-employed photographer, we were ever so excited to interview Gemma, who has been a supporter of Marketing Women since 2022.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your career. How did you get to where you are today?
I completed my Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) in Sydney and did my work placement at The Iconic back in 2012. I worked in the photography studios as a production/photography assistant and was offered a part-time job within a week of my placement.
I travelled through Europe in 2013, where I discovered a particular type of swimsuit that wasn’t in the Australian market yet. I decided to start a swimwear label that took off – thanks to the early stages of influencer marketing and was able to work in the business for 5+ years.
I moved to Melbourne in 2017 and continued to do my swimwear, but felt like there was an opportunity to expand my skills. I began working at a PR & digital agency as a full-time photographer/content producer. I worked on some major clients, but more importantly, connected with like-minded people who remain great friends.
I gradually phased out my swimwear label and spent my spare time outside of work taking photos. I continued working full-time at social media agencies, and after a few years of pushing my comfort zones and becoming a manager, I took the leap and went full-time as a freelance photographer.
It’s now been eight months of working full time for myself, and although it has its challenges, I am loving it! I have started to find my niche and have big dreams of becoming one of Australia’s top wedding photographers.
What does a day in your current role look like? What do you enjoy the most about it?
As a freelancer, every day is so different! Some days, I will have a shoot that requires me to be on site, while other days, I will be working from my home office or a cafe. I love that every day is different, and I get to be hands-on with a lot of my work.
Is there anything that you wish people knew about either your role or industry?
It’s more than just taking a photo. As photographers, we invest a lot of time and money into the business, whether it be branding, equipment, software, networking, upskilling, etc…
What is a career challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it?
Deciding to part ways with my swimwear label was challenging. I was 21 when I started the label and apart from running an eBay store selling vintage clothing (yes, it’s giving #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso) I had no idea how to run a business. I tried to wear too many hats and control every little detail. I struggled to find the right manufacturers (and lost thousands of dollars in the process) so I resorted to making a lot of the swimwear myself. Back then, people didn’t share information or bts of their business, so you had to do a lot of figuring it out yourself.
Which practical skills have been most valuable to you throughout your career?
Learning not to take things personally. Sometimes what a client wants and what you think is best doesn’t align. So removing the emotion, educating the client the best you can and finding a middle ground is often the best solution.

Are there any platforms or tools that you use to help manage your workload?
Social media scheduling systems such as Later. Posting on social media can be time consuming and we often forget to do it when it comes to our own business. By scheduling posts it removes those barriers.
How do you maintain a work-life balance? What do you enjoy outside of work?
I love exercising and being outdoors. I am currently training for a half marathon and have just signed up to complete my Pilates teaching course. My work can be very sporadic, so I like to set a routine with my exercise and get up nice and early to get it done – plus it puts me in a great mood for the day.
Have you had a mentor during your career? If so, what is the best advice they gave you?
I haven’t and it’s something I would love to do. I often go to my mum for advice as she is a very inspirational woman. She is successful within her career, raised three kids as a single parent and has hobbies such as teaching dancing and pilates. She always taught me to be an independent woman, to work hard and chase my dreams.
Are there any career development activities, courses, or events you would recommend?
Any Marketing Women events of course! If you are looking for photography workshops, Alt House has a great studio lighting course which I did last year or, I haven’t done this course yet, but have heard great things about the Greg Williams Photography course.
What is your career aspiration and how are you working towards achieving it?
I am looking to narrow my niche down and focus on wedding photography. It’s a hard shift when most of your work is lifestyle-based, however assisting other photographers at weddings gave me the knowledge and confidence to shoot my first solo wedding. I recently shot and produced my own styled bridal shoot to show my style and the type of weddings I’d like to shoot. I have a few weddings booked in for this year which I am super excited about.
What advice would you give to someone beginning their career in marketing?
Try as much as you can and expose yourself to different types of roles and businesses. You are never too old, you can change your mind and everyone makes mistakes so go easy on yourself. You can easily burn yourself out so make sure you take breaks when you can and recharge your creative mind.
Why is connecting with a network of other women in marketing important to you?
Because they will understand your struggles and be as excited for you about your wins! It’s like an unspoken sorority house that we all belong to.
Where do you find creativity, inspiration, and motivation in challenging times?
I find creativity and inspiration through other photographers/creatives on Instagram and Pinterest – simple yet effective! I also love listening to business women do interviews on podcasts or talks at live events. I am most motivated when surrounded by people and noise so will generally go to my local cafe and soak up the environment around me.
Do you have a favourite quote that has inspired you, either in your work or life?
My mum once told me, “You made the best decision you could with the information you had at the time,” and that has stuck with me ever since.
When you look back at your pivotal moments and think, “I wish I did things differently” putting this quote into play makes you remember that you didn’t know what you do now and that you were able to learn something along the way.
What are you listening, reading, and watching for education or entertainment?
To Listen: Life Uncut Podcast – if you feel like a giggle the accidentally unfiltered series is 👏
To Read: Nedd Brockmann – Showing up – Get Uncomfortable Being Uncomfortable – if you’re into running
To Watch: Nyad – if you feel like being inspired (movie on netflix)To Follow: Anti Bride – If you’re getting married 🤍