Career Conversations with Bee Murray

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We are delighted to announce that Bee Murray will be the keynote speaker at our upcoming event, “Maximising Your Success.” Join us for an inspiring evening at Roccella on Wednesday, 28 August. In the meantime, get to know Bee better through this exclusive interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your career. How did you get to where you are today? 
Gosh, that’s a story in itself, I have always been determined from a young age and always wanted to make a difference in the world. After completing my degree in Marketing and HR, I started my career as a mail girl in advertising – watched, listened and put my hand up for opportunities. I have continued to do so throughout my career even when told I would be a good 2IC but never a leader. I think courage and not letting the nay sayers get to me put me in good stead. If you are always being your authentic self, you are always taken care of no matter how scary the unknown can be at times.

What does a day in your current role look like? What do you enjoy the most about it? 
I started my business a year ago and the name Bee Formless is proving true as no day is ever the same and myself and my business are continuing to evolve, shape and reshape. My current day today ensures I start with walking my 8mth old puppy Marley Bob, followed by deep work and allocated time for meetings. Starting your own business is not for the faint hearted and it’s important to ensure you get out and connect, network. I also ensure I have micro breaks throughout my day. I also have to remind myself daily that slow and steady wins the race.

Is there anything that you wish people knew about either your role or industry? 
When it comes to me,what you see is what you get, I am no different in my personal or work life – I have never tried to fit the status quo and believe no matter how senior you are in your role/career we are all humans at the end of the day.

What is a career challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it? 
For me the biggest career challenge and actually what has since become an opportunity has been experiencing medically diagnosed burn out which resulted in an 8mth life break, reawakening and illuminating my soul to find out who I was again and change in careers.. My biggest learning is that the old world of hustle, pushing and constantly being ‘busy’ is unsustainable and does not result in success that makes us fulfilled and living on purpose. I have learnt that work fits into life not that life fits into work. The biggest game changer for me has been ensuring 7.5hrs sleep and active recovery is included into my schedule and is a non negotiable.

Which practical skills have been most valuable to you throughout your career? 
For me some of the simple yet big ones have been:

  • Observe, don’t absorb. 
  • Control the controllable. 
  • Eat an elephant 
  • Be your best at your worst and keep showing up, even when you don’t necessarily believe 

Are there any platforms or tools that you use to help manage your workload? 
I love AI in terms of from an efficiency and productivity sense, it takes away the metal tasks and allows me to focus on the things I should be focused on. I did an 8 week AI course through the USA July 23 and it reminded me that human potential will never be taken away from us and this is the opportunity to really dial that side of us up.

How do you maintain a work-life balance? What do you enjoy outside of work?
I don’t believe in ‘work life balance’, I never have, I just don’t think you can cut off from work and then move into life – they are integrated and it’s how we flow between them. I believe in – and recently listened to a podcast on the future of work, whereby they say the future of work is life comes 1st… I just love that and how we are in the most amazing time to reshape what success looks like for all. I love my puppy Marley Bob, family, friends, going to Core Plus, cheering my team on Collingwood and most importantly living life to the full

Have you had a mentor during your career? If so, what is the best advice they gave you?
I have had many coaches and mentors over the years and totally believe in them to give you that fresh perspective when you may have the blinkers on and can’t see the wood for the trees. The best advice I have ever been given in high times of stress or feeling the pressure and just to walk away and start again the next day – this has allowed me to get valuable insights and respond differently coming from a place that is not reactive. The other piece of advice is it can be lonely at the top, so make sure you have your key support around you.

What is your career aspiration and how are you working towards achieving it?
I call it my massively transformative purpose and that is to reshape the corporate world to one that is soulful and allows us all to live a high flow lifestyle, an optimal state of consciousness, where we shine our brightest, feeling and performing at our best. We can still be super successful just not the old way as we know it.

What advice would you give to someone beginning their career in marketing? 
Ask lots of questions, be proactive and put your hand up for all the opportunities, have a career plan with goals in place of how you want to grow – don’t expect it all to happen immediately and enjoy the non linear path. But most importantly be curious, be kind, be your authentic self, don’t forget to say thank you and ensure you have a mentor and don’t forget to smell the roses along the way.

Why is connecting with a network of other women in marketing important to you? 
Because we all need to support each other, no one’s journey is the same and it’s when you can share stories, learnings and advice that to me is what connecting is all about. We are in the most rapidly changing times, that started with covid and the need for social connection is more important than ever.

Do you have a favourite quote that has inspired you, either in your work or life? 
Just bee yourself and make the impossible, possible

What are you listening, reading, and watching for education or entertainment? 
I have so many things on the go right now, the Celine Dion doco was so inspiring for a woman who suffered such adversity and her determination to never give up – how amaze was she @ the Olympics opening ceremony. I listen a lot to The Flow Research Collective radio as it’s all about flow state in life and business. Books wise I am reading a few, Tomorrow Mind by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, Working Assumptions by Julia Hobsbawm, Creativity, the psychology of discovery and invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. For full downtime I love a good romcom and my fave movie of all time is Devil Wears Prada, can’t wait for the sequel to come out!


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